4 Reasons to Try Plant-Based Eating During the Summer Months

The summer months are the perfect time to make a move to plant-based eating. Many wait for life to slow down before making a change in eating habits, but the sometimes less hectic summer months are actually ideal for making the switch. Plus the amount of delicious fruits and vegetables available in the summertime harvest makes it easy to find delicious and nutritious options.

4 Tips to Try Plant-Based Eating This Summer

The summer harvest brings a bounty to any table with a variety of fruits and vegetables available. You have the opportunity to enjoy fresh produce and try a variety of new options you might not have considered. For example:

  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Peppers
  • Squash
  • Sorrels
  • Beans
  • Greens
  • Berries
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Southern Peas
  • Okra
  • Manoa Lettuce
  • Eggplant
  • Amaranth
  • Malabar Spinach
  • Corn
  • Melons
  • Shallots

Because of the availability of different types of produce, it is easier to try out new recipes for smoothies, salads, and to try adding vegetables to your favorite recipes. Want to make things simple? Cut up a few of your favorite vegetables on a ready-made pizza crust, or drop some into your favorite broth for a sumptuous stew. Take advantage of seasonal items to kickstart your plant-based eating lifestyle!

For a plant-based snack, you can combine Guilt-Free Granola with fresh berries such as blackberries, which are in season, or even whip up a fruit bowl topped with granola. That same granola can act as a delicious topper to fruit salads with fresh apples, citrus fruits, and more.

Summertime is for Breakfast!

Whether you are on a family vacation, a staycation with the kids or grandkids, or just taking time for yourself, a plant-based breakfast is easy to incorporate into your meal plans. Rip’s Big Bowl cereals provide a quick and simple option for a satisfying start to your day. Check out these two hearty recipes from Rip Esselstyn himself:

 Enjoy the Comfort Foods!

On a summer night, few things are better than your favorite go-to comfort food. Fortunately, it is easy to make any of these with a plant-based twist.

Choosing a plant-based chili can allow you to perfect the flavors and win at your next chili cook-off. For a bit of a change, try switching up your normal chili for a creamy white bean chili. Or you can even opt for breakfast for dinner, by digging into this delicious yet simple-to-make All-American Apple Pie French Toast.

If you are looking for time-tested plant-based recipes to replace your favorites, you might try a plant-based paella or even a plant-based creole bowl to tantalize your taste buds. Whatever your cravings, chances are you can recreate with a plant-based version and still deliver that touch of comfort that comes from your favorite foods.

Go Plant-Based at Your Favorite Get Togethers!

There are plenty of excuses to get together with friends and family during the summer, and snacking is bound to be had. But remember, some snacks are healthier than others, while still being just as satisfying. Cut up fruits and vegetables or even organic popcorn makes it easy to be with friends and family without compromising your commitment to healthier eating.

Indulge in Plant-Based Desserts!

Eating healthier does not mean skimping on pleasure. In fact, with recipes for a decadent Nice Dream Cake, you won’t feel like you are doing anything but enjoying the good life.

Starting in August, apples are in season, so you can put your favorite variety to good use with a delicious Guilt-Free Apple Crisp. Or, if you just want something dessert-like to satisfy your sugar cravings, we know of a pretty darn good chocolate walnut trail mix recipe that you can even combine with popcorn.

If you have been waiting on trying to incorporate plant-based eating into your lifestyle, the summer months might be the perfect time to get a jumpstart on those daily habits before the threat of holiday parties sets in.

Whether it is simply starting with individual soups and salads or you are jumping into mixing up enough plant-based dishes for your entire family, your body and mind will thank you for additional nutrients which will add up to extra energy and better numbers at your next doctor visit.

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